Physical Education
Physical Education
New curriculum for 2017
Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills which they need now and in the future. The health and wellbeing area aims to develop healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that children and young people develop the knowledge and understanding, skills, capabilities and attributes which they need for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing now and in the future.
The idea behind the new curriculum, is to equip learners with the following skills and experiences:
- develop my self-awareness, self worth and respect for others
- meet challenges, manage change and build relationships
- experience personal achievement and build my resilience and confidence
- understand and develop my physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing and social skills
- understand how what I eat, how active I am and how decisions I make about my behaviour and relationships affect my physical and mental wellbeing
- participate in a wide range of activities which promote a healthy lifestyle
- understand that adults in my school community have a responsibility to look after me, listen to my concerns and involve others where necessary
- learn about where to find help and resources to inform choices
- assess and manage risk and understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour
- reflect on my strengths and skills to help me make informed choices when planning my next steps
- acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone's responsibility to challenge discrimination.
It includes food and health, physical social and mental wellbeing and physical education.
2.1 Unit 1: Introduction to physical education
- Health, training and exercise
- Exercise physiology
- Movement analysis
- Psychology of sport and physical activity
- Socio-cultural issues in sport and physical activity.
See specification from 2016 on the WJEC website for details – much more technical and detailed – They are hoping to publish a text book
2.2 Unit 2: The active participant in physical education
Learners will be assessed in:
- three different activities in the role of performer ( no coach or ref/umpire)
- one individual and one team sport and one other from the approved lists of activities
- a personal fitness programme linked to the chosen major activity.
- Personal fitness programme (major activity)
- Pupils will need to design a personal fitness programme which will help to improve fitness and performance.
Unit 1: Sports Campaigning – internally assessed assignment
Through this unit learners gain an understanding of how different sports are governed and the issues faced by sports. They will learn how different sports deal with these issues and consider how these approaches could be applied by different sports.
Unit 2: Improving Sporting Performance
It is through this unit that learners gain knowledge and understanding of working with sports people and how to get the best out of them. They learn different theories for how sports governing bodies, sports coaches, sports scientists and sports psychologists improve sporting performance.
- An assignment will be produced each academic year and cannot be opened before May 1st each year
- It is a six hour timed, supervised assessment
Unit 3: Fitness for Sport – internally assessed assignment
Learners gain knowledge and understanding of key scientific concepts relating to the function of the human body. They learn about different techniques which are used to develop fitness and how they affect body systems. They apply their knowledge and understanding to a key task of planning a fitness programme, building on the knowledge and understanding gained through Improving Sporting Performance. Details of each external assessment are as follows:
Key Stage 5 – BTEC in Sport
We currently run the 7 unit Extended Diploma with the intention to run the 18 unit BTEC Extended Diploma (3 A Levels) in partnership with Cardiff City Football Club Foundation. Learners will complete 18 units over 2 years and successful completion will give the learner 3 A levels graded at pass, merit and distinction. This will include coaching from Cardiff City coaches and will also run football competitions. Much of the content will be taught through practical sessions, especially technical skill and tactical awareness.
The PE department and 5x60 provide a variety of activities for pupils to participate in including football, rugby, netball, dance, hockey, athletics, rounders, gym and fitness.
The department also run sports tours and recent tours have included a mixed gender tour to Spain in 2014. The next tour is a boys tour running to Canada in 2018.
Student leadership is also an option at St Martin’s whereby they can be part of the school “Leadership Academy”. This includes developing leadership skills and taking part in coaching sessions and supporting transition activities. We have also made links with Sky Sports and Olympic Athlete Bethan Fisher attended in 2015 to run sessions with students.