KS4 GCSE Business :
Looking for an exciting opportunity to try a new subject not studied at KS3 and find a subject that can relate to the real world and the community outside the classroom?.. then look no further! The current WJEC course is broken down into two external modules:
Unit 1: Business World (written examination) 2 hours (62.5%)
Unit 2: Business Perceptions (written examination) 1 hour 30 mins (37.5%)
The content is presented in six clear and distinct topic areas:
- Business activity
- Influences on business
- Business operations
- Finance
- Marketing
- Human resources
The theory content allows you to demonstrate your specified knowledge and critical understanding of the business aspects of for-profit and not-for-profit organisations within their economic, political and social contexts; how enterprise adds value by organising the production of goods and services; how business performance is viewed from a range of stakeholders perspectives; be familiar with current issues in business, and have the desire to investigate problems which are of importance in the domestic and international contexts of the UK economy. By the end of the course you should be able to make justifiable decisions and offer solutions to such problems using both quantitative and qualitative evidence. You will also be aware of the threats, constraints and opportunities arising from our once membership of the European Union and the global economy, and the need for businesses to adopt a moral/ethical stance and a responsible attitude towards the physical environment. All that is left for you to do is sign up!
KS5 WJEC Business AS/A2:
Business studies within the sixth form remains a popular choice for pupils who have already studied GCSE Business Studies, and for those who are simply looking for an additional string to their bow. All this is delivered through the study of local businesses wherever possible, and the provision of opportunities to visit local companies and participate in a variety of extra curricular activities allowing full application of knowledge throughout.
Qualification Structure:
AS Unit 1: Business Opportunities (Written Examination) 1hr 15 mins (15%)
This paper offers short answer and structured questions based around Business opportunities, business start-ups, SMEs and other types of business organisations, and the markets in which they operate
AS Unit 2: Business Functions (Written Examination) 2hrs (25%)
Data response questions covering the full AS content
A2 Unit 3: Business Analysis and Strategy (Written Examination) 2hrs 15mins (30%)
Data response plus structured questions. Business strategy and analytical techniques used in the business decision-making process.
A2 Unit 4: Business in a changing world (Written Examination) 2hrs 15mins (30%)
Case study plus one essay from a choice of three. Covers the full A level content.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Having the chance to develop links with the local community and the prospect to enhance your business knowledge are exciting opportunities within Business Studies. All years have the opportunity to voluntarily participate in Young Enterprise showing their entrepreneurial skills to the maximum and gaining the competitive spirit in competing against other local schools in the area. St Martin's pupils have successfully been the proud winners of the 'Chairman's Award' in all 3 of the years that they have entered. In addition to this, we have internal competitions such as "St Martin's does The Apprentice"; We have established a Valentine's card making and delivery service for younger year groups; We offer a KS3 Business
club for younger pupils to gain an insight into the world of an entrepreneur; and we occassionally have the opportunity to participate in external competitions such as 'Wild Heart' through Deloitte. The opportunities are endless, fun and if nothing else, look great on your UCAS application form!