End of Term information for Parents
End of Term information for Parents

Please see the following information for Parents:
Last day of the summer term: Tuesday, 16th July, 1.40pm finish for pupils.
First day of the Autumn Term 2019-20 for All Pupils (Year 7-11): Wednesday, 4 September at 8.30am
5th September is enrolment for sixth form, lessons start on the 6th September.
INSET Days: Monday 2nd September, Tuesday 3rd September
Opening times during the holidays:
The Finance Office will be open from 10-12pm for purchase and collection of uniform on the following dates:
- Wednesday 17 July to Tuesday 23 July
- Monday 5 August to Friday 9 August
- Monday 26 August onwards
- A Level Results day: Thursday, 15th August
- GCSE Results day: Thursday, 22 August
Results will be available from 9am-11am from the school hall
If you are unable to collect your results on these days your result slip will be available from the Finance Office after the appropriate results day. Please note the holiday opening times.
If you can't pick up your results in person you must either provide a stamped addressed envelope prior to the day (small letter size) or nominate someone to collect them on your behalf and provide them with a written note to bring with them on the day.

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